If I have to add a posting in my blog as a conventional method I have to login to the admin side of the WordPress and do that.
If some one comments on my post I have to login and approve it. Even though there is sophisticated hand held devices so called pads and smart phone, we need to use browser to do that. I would say wordpress app for Android did the job.
It is very simple, All you have to do it to enable the XMLRPC in the admin side of the wordpress.
Then you are blog is always with you. You can instantly upload photos from your mobile to your blog. Check the comments and moderate it. The easy interface of this apps makes it more simple. Not only photos, it also supports video upload, and lot more. Here is the screen-shot of my WordPress app for android.
Another good thing about this app is you can have any number of blogs using WordPress connected to this apps. It also supports multi-language I manage my Tamil blog using this App. Stats and settings are useful to tune the app for as per your requirement. I would strongly suggest to use this apps if you are a blogger with a Android device.
Happy blogging with Android devices!